6. Gift – Pour your heart into others. Give of your time, money, and spirit to the passion on your heart. One of the greatest joys in life is giving for the gift of just giving, and not expecting anything in return. This will fill your heart and soul full of happiness. 7. Mental Health Diet – Turn off the negativity: on TV, in your family, in your friendships. This may seem hard, and I am not saying cut people out of your life, but you cannot continue to be around negativity and drama and expect success. You can (and deserve) to limit the access to your mind. Guard it. 8. Purpose – Why are you doing this goal? Why are you reaching for a new version of yourself? Tony Robbins says, “growth = happiness”, and I firmly agree. I grow because I have a son who is watching. I want him to know that he can accomplish anything he sets his mind too, so if I have a dream on my heart, what kind of example am I setting if I am not showing him how to go for it? find the greater version of myself on the other side. That does not mean it doesn’t come with failure, but I can assure you, I will learn. 10. Set the next goal – As we age, I believe it is easy to ignore the idea of stretching and growing. Growth and goals do not stop at retirement. Continue to push for wealth, health, and happiness, as you are now beginning to leave a legacy and set an example for those around you. Once you hit a mark, move the goal post and seek out what is next. This doesn’t mean you have started a new business but may- be try planting a garden, running a mile, writing a letter to a friend, sky dive. Goals don’t have to be massive; they just have to be yours. The big secret to health, wealth, and true happiness is; you already have everything you need to have it all. You are enough with your current life and don’t have to change. If you are aware of the gift of your one and only life then you’ll see it really doesn’t take much to be happy or have enough wealth to live the life you designed or take care of your health. If you doubt that, then let me ask you, what if this was your last month? What if you had 30 days left on earth, could you see how your life was full of wealth? Health, wealth, and happiness are not found outside of you, they are in you. You were put on this earth to share that gift, and you have everything you need already to be successful. Good luck. The Keys with Kristin is a regular monthly series of VUE Magazine. 9. Outlast the temporary – The temporary pleasures will always be there, the easy way, the short cut. You must learn that you can overcome the temptation. Another great motivational speaker, Les Brown, says “If you do what is easy, life will be hard. If you do what is hard, your life will be easy.” Every single time I face something difficult, I always 50 JULY 2022 | PROMOTING EVENTS THAT MAKE A DIFFERENCE | INTHEVUE.COM